Moving to Florida: New Woodworking Workshop

In November of 2021, my wife and I made the decision to move to Florida.  We had always discussed moving out of California after retirement because the company she works for is based there and I’ve spent 20 years building a business and clientele in the remodeling industry.  

About a year and a half prior to this, I contacted a web developer to help me narrow the focus of my business to cabinetry and furniture only.  All my career I had built my own cabinetry but I also performed all the rest of the trades need for the complete remodel.

However, because of COVID, there was no plan for my wife to back into the office so we thought that this would be the perfect time to move.  The main reason for Florida is that my mother-in-law lives there and my wife felt strongly that she needed to spend more time with her mother while she could.

By May of 2022, we had sold our house, along with a great many other things, and drove across country to our new home.  We found a house in a more rural area with enough property to build my workshop on.  And now a year later, I am ready to get back to work.

Kayne (my wife) and I have come to love living in Florida.  Yes, the humidity can be brutal in the summer, but the pluses of living here far out weigh the negatives.  Needless to say, we are very happy and feel we are living our best lives. See the picture of the new Heritage Home Woodworks workshop! We are now offering full kitcehn remodels and all of the previous woodworking services we has in California. Be on the lookout for more updates!

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